Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Double Entry Journal

In this blog you are to write which "event" from today's reading you are focusing on and then state "your thinking".  It is important to either make connections and/or ask questions. When you ask a question you need to explain your thoughts and attempt to answer your question.

 For example, if my event was the placing of the Goddess of Democracy in front of the picture of Mao, my question might be "What are the student protesters trying to say to the government by facing the Goddess looking at Mao? I think that they did this because...."

I don't know the answer to my question but I can certainly make some guesses based on what I already know from the story, based on my inferences.

Every student must ask at least one question as this will drive the discussion we will have on Thursday in class.

Please remember to put capitals at the beginning of your sentences and to please add periods so you are not writing run-on sentences. Ask for help with spelling from someone at home if needed. Being able to communicate clearly is very important in our world.


  1. Event: The P.L.A arrived armed with AK-47's and had good armor but left without doing anything at all.

    My thoughts: Why did the P.L.A leave when they were fully armed? Were they trying to warn the students that if they don't stop they will do something about it? When or will they come back?

    Event: They put the Goddess of Democracy facing Mao

    My thoughts: Are the P.L.A going to take it down later? Are the government mad about it?

    Event: Alex was trying to reconnoiter the soldiers

    My thoughts: (T.T.S) I was trying to reconnoiter my brother with binoculars but he caught me.

  2. Double Entry:

    Event: When Lao Xu was translating the t.v.

    My thinking: What does revoltionaries mean?

    Event: the same as the first one

    My thinking: Why doesnt the government meet the students wants/demands?

    Event: When the P.L.A came armed

    My thinking: Why does the P.L.A keep leaving? expecially casue they are armed this time

    Event: When they said no news can be put outside of China

    My thinking: Are Eddie, Ted and Alex going to acctually smuggle the tapes out of China?

  3. Event: The students place the Goddess Of Democracy statue in Tian An Men Square.

    My Thinking: I made a text to text connection. In grade 6 I read about The Statue Of Liberty and how it was placed there after freedom, democracy and the Declaration Of Independence was signed just like the students placed the statue there wanting democracy.

    I also made a question: Why did the students return to Tian An Men Square after clearing out? Will they clear out again? And what will the PLA think of the people returning to the square? I think that the army will be embarrassed about the people returning and will send more armed troops to clear out the square and this time have Tian An Men Square surrounded with troops shooting anyone who attempts to enter.

  4. event when the trucks came back in with the soulders. my thoughts i think they are sending the sounders in to look around to find a good spot to set up all there gear and roll in the tanks in to try to clear the sqare out. Q why arnt the attacking yet

  5. Event:
    The Goddess of democracy standing right in front of Mao Ze dong statue.

    My thinking:
    Why did the university students place the goddess of democracy right in front of Mao Ze dong statue? Why did they leave Tina An Men Square and come back right after but with more people? I think the army is going to get more troops so they can defeat the university students once in for all. Or the army is just going to hurt and shot them instead of giving them a choose to leave Tina An Men square. Are the university students going to change the government’s decision about changing their country to democracy or is the government going to do something to the students.

  6. Event:When they placed the goddess of democracy.

    My thoughts:When did they place it? Why did they place it in the Tian An Man square facing Mao? Why did they even place it in the first place?

    Event:When the P.L.A. arrived with AK-47's

    My thoughts:Why would they arrive all armed when they didnt even attack? Will the P.L.A. come back and attack next time?

  7. Scene: The army went to Tian en men square for the second time but this time they were armed.

    My Thoughts: The army are all around the main ways to leave the city and are staying there. When the army goes to the square they stay for a few minutes then leave. Is it just to scare them? The first time that they went to the square they weren't armed but this time they all had AK-47s with them. They must be planning something but what?

  8. E V E N T <3 :
    When the P.L.A. turned away from the square and the students won.

    M Y T H O U G H T S <3 :
    My question is why did they turn away?
    Why did they let the students win?
    Are they just pretending to look as if they won't do anything?
    I think they are trying to trick the people in the square by making them think that the P.L.A. won't do anything, but then they will come back once again armed and not afraid to harm.

  9. Event: When the Goddess of Democracy was placed in front of Mao.

    My Thoughts: Did the students that put the statue of the democracy wanted to show the government that their way of thinking communist is wrong and should change their way? But is there a certain reason why the students placed the statue there? Weren't the students afraid that the government was going to punish them?

  10. Event: when the P.L.A had all their men equipt with ak-47.

    My thaught: whats the difrence to be equipt now but not at the halland having ak-47 they still lost face. I think they were only armed for a threat against the students.

  11. Event:
    ~Placing the Goddess of Democracy in front of Mao.

    My Thoughts:
    ~Will placing the statue in front of Mao, affect what the government will do?
    ~Was there a certain reason the students placed the statue there?
    ~When was the statue placed there? Before or after the protest?
    I think the students are trying to send a very powerful message to the government, which may change there decisions of what type of government they are going to be.

  12. Event:
    - When the Soldiers came in with Ak-47s.

    Is the army giving them a chance? Did they come in the first time unarmed to tell them it's a warning, and the second time they came in armed to them them "Last Warning" and to scare them off ofr there own good? Is the next time there last chance to scatter? Will the Army men actually kill the University student's? Or will the Army refuse and disobey orders? Will they listen to the Citizen's?

    Main Question: Will the Army refuse there orders?

  13. Event-
    The troops came with their AK 47 with bayonet.

    Why did the troops back down? Is the government playing tricks on the people? I think the government will attack the people when they are off guard and to tell them their serious. Also a think the people will rush back to their homes.

  14. Event: why did they bring back the army back? But why were they armed this time? My Thoughts: I think that they brought the army back to try to scare the citizens. Another thing they might be doing is scare them for now then come back more armed or just open fire.

  15. event-
    when the PLA came with AK 47

    I think the PLA will keep doing this until the people think they won and then the PLA will attack for real.

  16. Event:When the trucks came bake with soldier.
    TtS:I remember I was in Korea play with my BB gun.
    Question:Why they're have AK gun? Are they trying to kill someone?

  17. Event
    The soldiers came back with ak47s but they lost face and left again.

    My Thoughts
    I think the army was just pretending to act weak again so the people wont be afraid of them but they will bring in tanks.

  18. the statue standing infront of mao

    i think that with this there is a little war going on between special people like solders statues and special people.
    i wonder why there are so much fighting.

  19. Event:The goddess of democracy staring at Mao

    My thoughts:why did they build the goddess?why is it staring in the Mao in the face?how does the government feel about the goddess?are they going to distoy the goddess?is the goddess representing the beginning of democracy or the fight for democracy?
