Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Response to June 4 chapter

Today's chapter is a very powerful one. It pushes us to think more deeply about human rights in countries around the world. It forces us to think, could this ever happen in Canada? Has it ever happened in Canada? We try to imagine living in a country where freedom of speech is not an option.

In this post respond to today's reading by thinking deeply about the issues Alex is facing in China. Include one deep thinking question and respond to it. Include your reflections, your assumptions, your inferences around this event. Take time to also share some of your feelings and reactions as you read this; by doing so you will strengthen the quality of your post.

Remember the givens. Do not publish without checking on complete sentences using capitals and periods and that your spelling is accurate!!!!  Take pride in what you publish as it is a reflection of what you can do.


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  2. What started the chinese wars?

    i think what started it in general was from when people being different, and the chinese government didn't like it, becasuse it is and always has been a communist government. So the government killed, or took those people to a base to train to become an army. But i dont think just because people are different they should get punished. What if the government was different and they had someone watching over the dicisions they made. Also what to do and when to do it and whar not to do it

  3. is it really the PLA shooting the students? Ithink if it was the PLA it would be trading your own race. i think if the presedent wasent so crule her would have toke it into considering to change to domocracy and listen to the people like a normal presedent

  4. what was going through Lou Xu's head when he rushed at the soldiers, screaming at them in Chinese?

    He was mad that the army would do this kind of thing since they are hired to PROTECT the country, not fight against it.

  5. Why was Lao Xu Screaming in chinese?

    I think it was that he was mad at the army because they were supposed to take care of the country. But instead they are fighting it.

  6. Who grabed Alex in the when he got shot? I think it might be the people he was running with because they dont want toleave him behind. Or it could be the army personal because he got shot and fell and they might have ran and got Alex so I am still deciding which it could be you should also think respond to me who you think grabed Alex.

  7. Why would Alex's dad want to take pictures with the statue of democracy?

    Maybe he wanted to stop all the fighting so he took pictures with the statue of democracy and that would probably make him look like a person from the goverment and the goverment controls everything so he could stop the fight.

  8. Why would Lao Xu run at the PLA soldiers, he knew they were going to shoot him?

    I think Lao Xu was a spy for a democratic agency in China, one helping the students along in their process to their overall goal, democracy. Lao Xu is mad because he would'nt want PLA killing inocent people, he would know his father was in the PLA so he would want the PLA to prtect China and not kill people who have nothing to with it.

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  10. Question~ Will Alex and his dad Ted ever return home safe and unharmed?

    My Thought~ At this point in the book, I think that Alex and Ted will not be able to return home soon. I think this because Ted is not answering his comunication device and Alex is thinking he may have gotten arrested. Since Alex left hotel and is risking his life he might also get arrested or killed. I am hoping niether of them got killed or arrested and they will eventually come home safe.

  11. does the army actually want to soot the students or are thy trying to scare them off and if they are shooting the students have they shot anyone yet?

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  13. To all students - this post will be assessed which means our sentences need capitals and periods and "I" is a capital letter always! Please go back and edit your work before hitting the post button.

  14. Was it a bus with troops in it that got caught on fire?

  15. Why are the soldiers killing people
    Who are the soldiers
    What happened to alex's dad
    What would it feel like to be alex
    Why are the soldiers going after the student protesters
    What happened to the goddess of democracy

  16. Deep Thinking Question: I wonder how the people in the tanks feel about killing innocent people. Sure they have fought against Russia and Vietnam but they are humans to. They are capable of remorse but I am wondering if anybody knows that in the heat of the situation.

    I think that if anybody had an order to kill innocent people they wouldn't want to, the protester just want to make a difference to improve everybody’s lives not just their own. I am going to infer that at least 10% of the people fighting in tanks don't agree with the order and just want to keep the peace.

  17. Question: What happened to Alex's dad (Tom)? Is he arrested or is he injured?

    My thought?
    At this part in the book I think the soldiers took Tom's videotapes and arrested him. But anything could of happen the soldiers could of hurt or injured him badly. Alex could also be in the same situation with his father because he is running around Tian Men Square with illegal tapes. So I my wondering what is going to happen to Alex and Tom if they are going to be arrested or if they will get to go home safely.

  18. Question: What Happened To Eddie?

    My Thoughts: I think Eddie may have been arrested or made it safely to the hotel safely. I think he may have been arrested because the radio hissed and died on Alex just like with Alex's dad when he was arrested. I also think that he might have made it back to the hotel safely. I think this because as Alex was running he fell on the concrete which may have crushed the radio at the same time causing it to die on Alex.

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  20. what will hapenn to alex?

    will he be arested and se his dad or killed by the gun shot

  21. What was Lao Xu thinking when he stood up to the PLA??

    Maybe he was thinking that if he stood up to them they would stop, or join the protesters and make peace.

  22. Why would Alex take out he's camcorder if he could arrested?

    I think it was becasue he wanted people to know that in some countys they do not get the some treatment as we do.

  23. Is Ted going to get hurt?

    I think once the army has received Ted's recording of videos and tapes they will let him go but if he refuses he has a chance of getting injured.

  24. Q:What would it be like to be in Alex's shoes right now?

    My A:I think it would be very scary!You Know his dad just went missing ,he is traped and soliders are moving in with AK 47's also shooting people down. Don't you think it would be scary?

  25. What was Loa Xu saying to the souldiers?

    I think that he was saying to stop shooting or to stop their assault against the people and students.

  26. Why did Lou Xu run at the army when he knew they where killing people?

    Maybe because he thought that if the other army shot him the PLA would get mad because they shot someone that worked for the chines government.

  27. Q) Why did Lao Xu run at the PLA when he knew people were getitng shot?

    A) Mabey someone he knew was in the range of the PLA and Lao Xu was trying to save him/her from being shotMabey it was his son/daughter, is Lao Xu a father?

  28. Q)Who's house is Alex in?

    A)Is it hong's house or the other girls house because Mrs.m said she was going to play a big part.

  29. Q. How are these students still fighting this battle and have enough bravery to continue when everyone helps or agrees with them will most likely die. It really makes you wonder and realize how lucky we are and think about what our cow try would be like without freedom of speech
